ポスター発表参加者はポスター発表を通じて研究成果を共有することも可能です。 ポスター提出期限: 2023年3月1日
- 3D-Bioprinting in Orbit on Station
- 3D-Organoid Models for Disease in Microgravity Conditions
- Effect of Microgravity on Drug Responses
- Global Projects on LEO and Deep Space Flight
- Impact of Microgravity on Fundamental Stem Cell Properties
- Microbes and Human Health in Space
- Organs-on-Chips as a Platform for Studying Effects of Microgravity on Human Physiology
- Tissue Chips in Space NIH/NCATS-ISS US National Laboratory Projects
宇宙での組織チップ - NIH/NCATS-ISS 米国国立研究所プロジェクト
スポンサー・出展について詳細は、 (株) グローバルインフォメーションまでお問い合わせください。
登壇予定者Daniel Carvalho, Research Fellow, MERLN Institute for Technology-Inspired Regenerative Medicine, Maastricht University Mei ElGindi, Research Associate, New York University Abu Dhabi Marc Giulianotti, Sr. Manager, In Space Biomanufacturing, Sierra Space Olivier Henry, Program Director - Life Science Technologies, IMEC Liliana Layer, Chief Scientific Officer, Prometheus Life Technologies Molly Mulligan, Director, Business Development, Redwire Hilde Stenuit, ICE Cubes Space Access Business Developer, ICE CUBES Space Applications Services Jana Stoudemire, Director, In-Space Manufacturing, Axiom Space Kevin Tabury, Researcher, Belgian Nuclear Research Centre Simon Werner, Scientist, Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) at the University of Tubingen