Andreas Möller, Professor, Director, JC STEM Lab of Personalized Cancer Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andrew Godwin, Professor and Division Director, Deputy Director, KU Cancer Center, University of Kansas Medical Center
Banishree Saha, Associate Director, Early Clinical Development, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Bowen Li, Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair in RNA Vaccines and Therapeutics, University of Toronto
Brian Feng, CEO, Osem Fluidics
Briana Simms, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati
Chukwumaobim Nwokwu, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Florida Gulf Coast University
Damien Pearse, Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery; The John M. and Jocelyn H.K. Watkins Distinguished Chair in Cell Therapies, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
Dominique PV de Kleijn, Professor Experimental Vascular Surgery, Professor Netherlands Heart Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht
Hsueh-Chia Chang, Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame
Johnny Zhuang, Business Development & Product Application Scientist, EXODUS BIO
Michael Graner, Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine -- Conference Co-Chairperson
Mousumi Ghosh, Research Associate Professor, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
My Mahoney, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Cancer Biology, Thomas Jefferson University
Natalia Tumidajski, Principal Scientist, GMP Site Head, EXOCEL BIO INC.
Natasha Sosanya, Research Scientist, US Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR)
Noah Malmstadt, Professor, Mork Family Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Southern California -- Conference Co-Chairperson
Owen Fenton, Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steve Soper, Foundation Distinguished Professor, Director, Center of BioModular Multi-Scale System for Precision Medicine, The University of Kansas
Sven Kreutel, CEO, Particle Metrix, Inc., USA
SelectBIOによる Extracellular Vesicles (EV) and Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP) 2025 Conference では、細胞外小胞(EV) と脂質ナノ粒子(LNP)のバイオロジー研究と、これらの分野の橋渡しに焦点を当てている学界・企業の研究者や業界関係者が集まります。
プレゼンテーションでは、EV分野における最新の進歩について、バイオロジー研究から、エンジニアードドラッグデリバリー担体・治療 (バイオロジクス・低分子の標的デリバリー) としての可能性まで検討します。
同時開催のトラックは The Space Summit 2025 です。出席者は両方のトラックにフルアクセスでき、科学的交流やネットワーキングを最大限に活用することができます。
NCATSは、低軌道(LEO)の微小重力下でのEV研究プロジェクトに資金を提供することをすでに発表しており、EV 研究と微小重力研究の分野が融合しています。この会議は、国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)の微小重力下で行う研究プロジェクトや、微小重力環境のLEO実験・製造向けに従量課金制プラットフォームとしてまもなく稼働する一部の民間宇宙ステーションで行う研究プロジェクトに関し、LEOの専門家と議論し、助言できる絶好の機会となります。
Andreas Möller, Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andreas Möller Biographical Sketch
The vision and aim of the Möller lab is to improve cancer patient’s outcome by leveraging on my innovative findings to develop novel solutions for currently unmet clinical needs. Professor Andreas Möller is a trained biochemist and cancer biologist, with >20 years’ experience in cancer research. He is Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supported by a highly competitive and prestigious Global STEM Professor fellowship. Prof Möller is also the Director of the Jockey Club Laboratory of Precision Cancer Medicine at the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, supported by peer-reviewed governmental, philanthropic and industry funding. He also holds an Honorary Group Leader position for the Tumour Microenvironment Laboratory at the QIMR Berghofer (QIMRB) since 2023. Previously, between 2012 and 2023, he led the QIMRB Tumour Microenvironment Laboratory as Faculty member and Group Leader. Prof Möller has a strong background in cancer cell biology, extracellular vesicle (EV) biology, hypoxia research, cancer metastasis and cancer immunology. His research program develops novel approaches to understand cancer metastasis, and how the composition of the tumor microenvironment is coordinated, with the aim and focus of translating the findings into clinical and commercial applications. He is an internationally recognized expert in cancer metastasis, EVs and cancer immune responses, evidenced by being in the top 0.015% of researchers (FWCI >19) in Extracellular Vesicles topic (SciVal), and top 1% in five topics, including myeloid cells in the tumor microenvironment and myeloid-derived suppressor cells. Since the inception of his group in 2012, he has published over 80 articles, and is corresponding author on >50% of these papers. He developed intellectual property based on the finding that a blood-based EV protein signature can identify cancer early and prognosticate outcomes with high accuracy, and collaborates with several commercial partners who licensed those patent families to implement these inventions. He has received over US$15 million in research grants from international and national sources as PI, and successfully supervised 13 Honors and 10 PhD students to completion. He is Member of the Board of Directors of the International Society of Extracellular Vesicles since 2022, and since 2024 elected Executive Chairs for Meetings and Programs. Prof Möller is founding Director and Executive Board Member of the Asia Pacific Societies of Extracellular Vesicles.
Andrew Godwin, Professor and Division Director, Deputy Director, KU Cancer Center, University of Kansas Medical Center
Andrew Godwin Biographical Sketch
Andrew K. Godwin, PhD is the Chancellors Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences endowed Professor and the Director of Molecular Oncology in the Department of Pathology at the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). He is a leader in the field of translational research and precision medicine. A native of Lawrence, Kansas, Dr. Godwin graduated with highest distinction from the University of Kansas (KU) with a bachelor’s degree in Cellular Biology. He obtained his PhD in Molecular Biology from the University of Pennsylvania while carrying out his thesis research at Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) in Philadelphia. While at FCCC he had the pleasure of learning from “giants” in their respective fields of cancer-focused science. He was appointed leader of the FCCC’s Cancer Center Support Grant Ovarian Cancer Program in 2008 and served as co-leader of the Women's Cancer Program from 2009 to 2010. He was the founding director of both the Clinical Molecular Genetics/Pathology Laboratory and the Biosample Repository at FCCC since their inception in 1995 and 1999 respectively, and until leaving FCCC.
Dr. Godwin was recruited to KUMC as the director of Molecular Oncology and as the Associate Director for Translational Research within the KU Cancer Center in October 2010 after 26 productive years at FCCC. His engaged participation in the cancer center led to being appointed the Deputy Director in 2013 and his unwavering efforts helped to gain NCI designation in 2012/2017 and comprehensive designation in 2022. He founded the Clinical Molecular Oncology Laboratory, a CLIA-certified, CAP-accredited molecular diagnostics laboratory in 2012. He was appointed the Division Director for Genomic Diagnostic for the KU Health System in 2020. He also founded the Center for Genetics Services and Health Equity, to address health disparities in medical underserved populations regionally and nationally.
Dr. Godwin holds secondary appointments as a Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, and the Department of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics, and Immunology. He also leads the ovarian cancer research-working group, is a member of the Investigator Initiated Trial Steering Committee, serves as the founding Scientific Director for the Biomarker Discovery Laboratory, the Director of the KU Cancer Center’s Biospecimen Shared Resource, and the KU Medical Center’s Biospecimen Repository Core Facility. He was named the Vice Chair for the Breast Translational Medicine subcommittee of the Southwest Oncology Group in 2018 and was appointed to the National Cancer Institute’s NCTN Core Correlative Sciences Committee in 2021.
Dr. Godwin heads KU’s institutional efforts in precision medicine. In 2016 he founded the Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine which is currently supported by a Phase 2 Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (P20 GM130423) grant from the NIGMS. He is also a co-founder of a startup company, Sinochips Diagnostics, a private reference laboratory that provides pharmacogenomic testing to provide a road map for which drugs will be most effective for each individual patient.
He was named a Kansas Bioscience Authority Eminent Scholar in 2010 and the University of Kansas School of Medicine Chancellor’s Distinguished Chair in Biomedical Sciences Endowed Professor in 2012. In 2014, Dr. Godwin received the KUMC School of Medicine’s Achievement Award for the mentoring of post-doctorate students. Of his awards, he is most proud of being acknowledged for his years of mentoring. He has mentored over 150 trainees, including high school students, undergraduates, graduate students, postdoctoral associates/fellows, medical students/fellows, visiting scientists, and junior faculty during his academic career. He was awarded the KU Medical Center’s Faculty Investigator Research Award in 2015, the University of Kansas Cancer Center Director’s William Jewell Team Science Award in 2017, the KUCC Director’s Basic Science Award and the Chancellor’s Club Award for Research in 2018, and the Dolph C. Simons, Sr. Higuchi Award in the Biomedical Sciences in 2020 - the state higher education system’s most prestigious recognition for scholarly excellence. Most recently, Godwin was presented with the 2021 KU School of Medicine Excellences in Mentoring (Faculty) award and the 2021 Cancer Center Director’s Award in Mentoring and was named the 2022 Lead Scholar in Biomedical Sciences by the Ewha Womans University in South Korea. Most recently he presented the 2024 Outstanding Mentorship in Pathology Award by the University School of Medicine and Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in recognition of dedication to the mentorship and education of future pathologists.
Dr. Godwin is internationally recognized for his molecular biology/genetic studies of sarcoma (gastrointestinal stromal tumors and Ewing sarcoma), breast and ovarian cancer, and his efforts to help bridge the gap between basic and clinical science to improve patient care. As a result of his efforts, Dr. Godwin has been continuously since his first faculty appointment at the Fox Chase (in 1993) and has secured extramural funding totaling >$250M. He has published over 550 peer-reviewed manuscripts and scholarly review articles (h index = 143; >95,000 citations) and is the author of 4 patent applications.
Banishree Saha, Associate Director, Early Clinical Development, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Banishree Saha Biographical Sketch
Dr. Banishree Saha serves as the Associate Director and Analytical Lead for Translational Biomarker Assays at Takeda Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge, Massachusetts. She is instrumental in advancing biomarker assay development and spearheading innovative research in gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Renowned for her expertise in extracellular vesicles, especially exosomes, Dr. Saha has made substantial contributions to understanding the role of microRNA cargo in immune responses during liver injury. Her extensive experience in academia and the pharmaceutical industry allows her to significantly influence the field of liver biology and translational research, devising new therapeutic strategies for liver-related ailments.
Bowen Li, Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair in RNA Vaccines and Therapeutics, University of Toronto
Bowen Li Biographical Sketch
Dr. Bowen Li is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, the Institute of Biomedical Engineering, and the Department of Chemistry at the University of Toronto. He is also an Affiliate Scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. Dr. Li holds the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in RNA Vaccines and Therapeutics and the GSK Chair in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery. He earned his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Washington, Seattle, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship under Profs. Robert Langer and Daniel Anderson at MIT. Dr. Li’s lab employs interdisciplinary strategies, including combinatorial chemistry, high throughput platforms, and AI-driven design of experiments, to develop advanced delivery systems for RNA medicines. Dr. Li has authored over fifty publications in top-tier journals, such as Nature Biotechnology, Nature Materials, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Medicine, PNAS, and Science Advances, and holds eight patents. His research has been recognized with awards including the Moderna Fellowship, AAPS Emerging Investigator Award, CSPS Early Career Award, Marsha Morton Early Career Investigator Award, ACS Rising Star in Biological, Medicinal, and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Gairdner Early Career Investigator Award, J.P. Bickell Medical Research Award, and Connaught New Researcher Award.
Brian Feng, CEO, Osem Fluidics
Brian Feng Biographical Sketch
Brian Feng is the CEO and co-founder of Osem Fluidics. He received a BS in Biomedical Engineering, MS in Materials Engineering, and PhD in Materials Science from the University of Southern California. His current focus is advancing microfluidic solutions for assembling lipid nanoparticles at high throughput.
Briana L. Simms, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati
Briana Simms Biographical Sketch
Dr. Simms, an HBCU alumna, synthetic polymer chemist, and entrepreneur is currently an assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati. Her research focuses on the design and development of functional biomaterials that address public health challenges. Her ultimate goal is to move biomaterials from the benchtop and into the communities that need them most, all while empowering the next generation of STEM scholars.
Chukwumaobim Nwokwu, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Florida Gulf Coast University
Chukwumaobim Nwokwu Biographical Sketch
Dr. Chukwumaobim Nwokwu completed his graduate studies in Molecular Science and Nanotechnology. He is a widely published author, with a broad interdisciplinary focus in the fields of applied genomics, cancer therapeutics, nanomedicine, advances in exosome and extracellular RNA (exRNA) technology, biomedical engineering and device design. Dr. Nwokwu is an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Head of the Biomimetics Modeling (BM2) Lab at Florida Gulf Coast University.
Damien Pearse, Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery; The John M. and Jocelyn H.K. Watkins Distinguished Chair in Cell Therapies
Damien Pearse Biographical Sketch
Dr. Pearse is a Professor at The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, Department of Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Pearse is also a Research Health Scientist at the Bruce Carter Miami VA Healthcare System. Dr. Pearse received his undergraduate degree in Biotechnology and doctorate in Neuroscience from Griffith University, Queensland, Australia. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at The University of Miami, Dr. Pearse joined the faculty. Dr. Pearse was an associate in the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation Consortium from 2000 to 2006 and in 2005 received the Erica Nader Award for being the Outstanding Investigator in SCI Research from the American Spinal Injury Association. Dr. Pearse is currently The John M. and Jocelyn H.K. Watkins Distinguished Chair in Cell Therapies where his work is focused on the translation of autologous cell therapies for neural repair following spinal cord injury and other neurological disorders.
Dominique PV de Kleijn, Professor Experimental Vascular Surgery, Professor Netherlands Heart Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht
Dominique de Kleijn Biographical Sketch
Prof. Dr. Dominique PV de Kleijn is molecular biologist and chemist and professor of Exp. Vascular Surgery at UMC Utrecht and professor at the Netherlands Heart Institute. From 2012 to 2016, he was Research Professor of Surgery at NUS/NUHS and preclinical director of the Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) Singapore. He was until 2016 professor of Cardiovascular Immunology and co-chair of Experimental Cardiology at UMC Utrecht. Since 1997 he is coordinating cardiovascular research from basic science, animal myocardial infarction and atherosclerotic studies (pig and sheep) towards clinical biobanking studies. His research interests are: The innate immune system in cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis & Biomarkers predictive for primary & secondary events with a focus on plasma extracellular vesicles. He has more then 275 publications and a H-factor of 78.
Hsueh-Chia Chang, Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame
Hsueh-Chia Chang Biographical Sketch
Professor Hsueh-Chia Chang is the Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. He has been at Notre Dame since 1987 and has served as the department chair and the director of the Center for Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. His research is in the area of micro/nanofluidics and diagnostics, particularly integrated devices for the isolation and characterization of exosomes and other nanocarriers. His research has resulted in 19 patented technologies, eight of them have been licensed by four startups: Cubed Laboratories, AgenDx, ImpeDx and Aopia Biosciences. Products developed from these IPs include CRDTM Botrytis Detection kit by CubedLabs and NanoExTM exosome purification technology by Aopia Bio. Professor Chang served as the Chief Scientific Advisor of FCubed LLC (predecessor of CubedLabs) for 4 years. He co-founded Aopia Bio in 2019 and currently serves as its interim CTO and Board member. Professor Chang has published more than 300 papers and has a Google h-index of 79. He is the co-author of a seminal book in microfluidics: "Electrokinetically Driven Microfluidics and Nanofluidics" by Cambridge University Press in 2009. Professor Chang founded a new journal, Biomicrofluidics of the American Institute of Physics, in 2006 and served for 12 years as its Chief Editor. More than 35 PhD and post-doc students from his laboratory have embarked on academic careers as tenure-track professors in all engineering and science disciplines over 5 continents (15 in the US), including Duke, Imperial, Johns Hopkins etc. They include a chancellor, a Provost, three Department Chairs, four endowed chairs and five NSF Career Awardees. Industrial alumni from his group hold manager/director positions at Merck, Gilead, Alcon, Genentech and other major biotech and world-leading microfluidic companies. Professor Chang is a fellow of APS, NAI and AIMBE. His microfluidics work has been recognized by the Frenkiel Award from APS, the Lifetime Achievement Award from AES and the 1st Source Bank Commercialization Award. He has also won the Notre Dame Provost Research Achievement Award and was recognized at half time during the 2024 game against Stanford.
Johnny Zhuang, Business Development & Product Application Scientist, EXODUS BIO
Johnny Zhuang Biographical Sketch
Johnny Zhuang, a Business Development & Product Application Scientist at EXODUS BIO since March 2023, plays an important role in the development and application of the EXODUS - automatic exosome isolation system. He obtained his Bachelor of Science from Hong Kong Baptist University and his Master of Science in Biotechnology from Georgetown University. Johnny's diverse experience includes significant roles in research and product application at Charles River Laboratories, as well as in research at NOVAVAX INC and Nantomics LLC.
Michael Graner, Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine
Michael Graner Biographical Sketch
Michael Graner received his PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Illinois followed by post-doctoral and research faculty work at the University of Arizona, shifting gears from the Drosophila extracellular matrix to cancer immunotherapy. He then took at faculty position at Duke University’s Tisch Brain Tumor Center, followed by his current position as Professor in Neurosurgery at the University of Colorado Denver (Anschutz Medical Campus). He is also a member of the University of Colorado Cancer Center, the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute, the MAVRC Program, and holds a Visiting Professorship Appointment at the Shenzhen Third People’s Hospital (China) and an adjunct faculty appointment at Colorado State University. Graner has a long-standing interest in cell stress responses, which led to cancer vaccine development (including one in clinical trials), which somehow led to the world of extracellular vesicles (EVs). His lab currently concentrates on signaling mechanisms involving EVs, in particular the transfer of stressed phenotypes from stressed tumor cells to unstressed ones via EVs.
15 May 2025
Grand Ballroom Foyer
Conference Registration, Materials Pick-Up, Coffee and Networking
15 May 2025
Michael Graner, Professor, Dept of Neurosurgery, University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine -- Conference Co-Chairperson
Introduction to the EV, LNP 2025 Conference -- Topics Covered and Synergies Across Disciplines
15 May 2025
Noah Malmstadt, Professor, Mork Family Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Southern California -- Conference Co-Chairperson
Introduction to LNPs -- Why are LNPs Gaining Attention and a Survey of Applications
15 May 2025
Session Sub-Title: Extracellular Vesicles 2025 -- Progress in Research, Diagnostics & Therapeutics Development
Chairperson: Professor Michael Graner, University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Center
15 May 2025
Steve Soper, Foundation Distinguished Professor, Director, Center of BioModular Multi-Scale System for Precision Medicine, The University of Kansas, USA
Label-Free Detection and Identification of Single Protein Molecules Harvested from Extracellular Vesicles
Extracellular vesicles contain a wide range of different types of molecular cargo, such as lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, and proteins. However, due to their small size (~150 nm for exosomes), the number of molecules is limited. For example, there can be ~20,000 protein molecules per EV vesicle. Because the proteome is estimated to consist of >100,000 different proteins, there are less than a single copy of a particular protein per EV particle. As such, specialized techniques have been developed to search for these rare proteins, such as OLink, which use the proximity ligation assay and quantitative PCR to detect these rare events. Challenges include the complicated and long workflow and the use of expensive antibodies. To address this issue, we are developing a nanotechnology to quantify and identify single protein molecules based on peptide fingerprinting.
Resistive Pulse Sensing (RPS) is a label-free and single-molecule detection approach that requires simple instrumentation to implement and as such, can be mobilized to be integrated into in vitro diagnostic assays for not only detecting but identifying key disease-associated biomarkers with high analytical sensitivity, such as proteins. Thus, RPS is a logical choice for coupling with liquid biopsy markers for the precision management of a variety of diseases due to the significant mass limits imposed on any assay in which a liquid biopsy marker is used. We have developed a unique measurement modality and sensor technology (dual in-plane nanopore sensor) that couples RPS to nanoscale electrophoresis. Not only does the sensor generate the typical RPS measurement parameters, but also the molecular-dependent electrophoretic mobility, which we call the time-of-flight (ToF). The RPS parameters coupled with the ToF and machine learning lead to high detection efficiency and classification accuracy of single molecules harvested from liquid biopsy markers, including proteins. Our devices, which are made from plastics via high-scale production modalities (injection molding), consist of channels with dimensions ranging from 1 to 100 nm (effective diameter) that are 10’s of microns in length.
In this talk, I will discuss the operational parameters and unique applications of our dual in-plane nanopore sensor for peptide fingerprinting of single protein molecules. The technology I will discuss involves the use of an immobilized nanoscale enzymatic reactor (INER) containing a proteolytic enzyme to digest the input protein molecule into peptides that generates a fingerprint of the protein by the nanoscale electropherogram pattern produced. Operational characteristics of this sensor for peptide fingerprinting will be shared.
15 May 2025
Banishree Saha, Associate Director, Early Clinical Development, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, United States of America
Exosomes as Biomarkers: A New Frontier in Medical Diagnostics
Exosomes represent a promising frontier in medical diagnostics, offering unique capabilities as biomarkers for various diseases, including liver disease. These nano-sized vesicles, secreted by cells, carry proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids that reflect the physiological status of their parent cells. Emerging studies underscore their role in intercellular communication and their potential in disease detection and monitoring. This talk will explore recent advancements in exosome isolation and characterization techniques and their application in diagnosing cancer, neurological disorders, infectious diseases, and liver disease. We will discuss the challenges and future directions for integrating exosome-based diagnostics into clinical practice, aiming to enhance precision medicine through non-invasive and early detection methods.
15 May 2025
Coconut Grove
Mid-Morning Coffee Break and Networking with Exhibitors
15 May 2025
15 May 2025
Andrew Godwin, Professor and Division Director, Deputy Director, KU Cancer Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, USA
Title to be Confirmed
15 May 2025
Johnny Zhuang, Business Development & Product Application Scientist, EXODUS BIO, United States of America
Technology Spotlight Presentation
15 May 2025
Networking Lunch in the Atrium
15 May 2025
Session Sub-Title: EV-based Therapeutics -- Status Update, ca. 2025
15 May 2025
Damien Pearse, Professor, Department of Neurological Surgery; The John M. and Jocelyn H.K. Watkins Distinguished Chair in Cell Therapies, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, USA
Title to be Confirmed
15 May 2025
Mousumi Ghosh, Research Associate Professor, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, United States of Americ
Investigating the Therapeutic Potential of Modified Microglial Exosomes in Spinal Cord Injury Repair
Traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) results in severe, long-term disability and high mortality, with limited effective treatments to mitigate secondary tissue damage or restore function. Although cell transplantation shows promise in experimental SCI, numerous challenges have restricted its clinical application. Recently, exosomes-nanoscale vesicles secreted by all cell types-have gained attention as a potential therapeutic approach for CNS injuries and diseases due to their exceptional bioavailability, safety, and stability. Exosomes carry bioactive molecules, including miRNAs and proteins, that promote cell survival, axon regeneration, and anti-inflammatory effects.
Microglia, the CNS's innate immune cells, play a crucial role in SCI repair, but their exosomal contributions remain underexplored. In this study, we evaluated the neuroprotective and pro-regenerative effects of phenotypically modulated microglia-derived exosomal vesicles (pmMGEVs), preconditioned using a combination of anti-inflammatory cytokines and small molecule modulators. In vitro, pmMGEVs were readily taken up by neurons, significantly enhancing neuronal survival and growth on inhibitory substrates such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan. Systemic administration of pmMGEVs in clinically relevant murine models of moderate SCI improved locomotor function compared to naïve MGEVs.
Multi-omics analysis of pmMGEV cargo, compared to naïve MGEVs, identified specific miRNAs and transcription factors likely driving these therapeutic effects. These findings suggest that pmMGEVs represent a promising, cell-free therapeutic approach for enhancing SCI repair and functional recovery.
15 May 2025
Natasha Sosanya, Research Scientist, US Army Institute of Surgical Research (USAISR)
Identifying Stress-Exacerbated Thermal-Injury Induced Pain Biomarkers
Using a model of Combat and Operational Stress Reaction (COSR), our lab recently showed that exposure to an unpredictable combat stress (UPCS) procedure prior to a thermal injury (TI) increases pain sensitivity in male rats. Additionally, our lab has recently shown that circulating extracellular vesicle-microRNAs (EV-miRNAs), which normally function to suppress inflammation, were down-regulated in a male rat model of neuropathic pain. In this current study, female and male rats were exposed to UPCS followed by TI and then evaluated for changes in circulating EV-miRNAs.
Adult female and male Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to the UPCS procedure for either 2 or 4 weeks. Groups consisted of the following: non-stress (NS), stress (S), NS+TI, and S+TI. Mechanical sensitivity was measured, and plasma was collected at relevant timepoints to include baseline, during UPCS exposure, and after TI. EV-miRNA isolation was then performed, followed by small RNA sequencing and subsequent data analysis.
UPCS exposure alone resulted in mechanical allodynia in both males and female rats at specific time points. Thermal-injury induction occurring at peak UPCS resulted in increased mechanical allodynia in the injured hind paw compared to thermal-injury alone. Differential expression of the EV-miRNAs was observed between the NS and S groups as well as between NS+TI and S+TI groups. Consistent differences in EV-miRNAs are detectable in both COSR as well as during the development of mechanical sensitivity. Therefore, EV-miRNAs may potentially serve as key regulators, biomarkers, and targets in the treatment of COSR and thermal-injury induced mechanical sensitivity.
15 May 2025
Coconut Grove
Mid-Afternoon Coffee Break and Networking in the Exhibit Hall
15 May 2025
Dominique PV de Kleijn, Professor Experimental Vascular Surgery, Professor Netherlands Heart Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Plasma Extracellular Vesicles in Reducing Hospital Referrals for Chest Pain Patients
Chest pain induced by exercise or stress is very common in USA and EU with approximately 500,000 GP visits/year in the Netherlands. Based on a better safe than sorry strategy, the GP refers about half of these patients suspected for obstructive coronary artery disease for a coronary CT scan to the hospital. After the scan, only 20% of male and 10% of female patients have indeed obstructive coronary artery disease. To increase the efficiency and reduce costs and time to scan, we developed a blood test based on plasma extracellular vesicle (EV) proteins that can, with an AUC of 0.8, determine which chest pain patients have obstructive coronary disease or not. To withhold chest pain patients from referral for a CT scan, however, an AUC 0.8 is not sufficient. For this, we now investigate the combination of microfluidic EV isolation with existing proteomics technologies of OLINK and EvoSep One LCMSMS and clinical parameters to safely exclude chest pain patients for referral for CT-scan.
15 May 2025
Hsueh-Chia Chang, Bayer Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Notre Dame, United States of America
Large-Scale Isolation and Detection of Nanocarriers Biomarkers with Nanotechnologies: Parsing Heterogeneity
Intense research in the last 2 decades have shown that nucleic acid and protein biomarkers are secreted from parent cells as cargoes of nanocarriers like lipoproteins, exosomes (or small extracellular vesicles sEVs) and ribonucleoproteins. These nanocarriers range from 10 nm to 1 micron in size and are extremely heterogeneous. It is now clear that the heterogeneity is due to the different biogenesis pathways of the nanocarriers and hence each nanocarrier variant contains cell-specific and disease-specific biomarkers. I will summarize the results from my lab on the fractionation of these nanocarriers and on profiling of their colocalized protein and miRNA cargoes. Due to the nanodimension of the carriers, we utilize low-cost nanoporous membrane technologies with nanopores of comparable size. The goal is to develop a pan-disease screening platform for the annual blood test, after all the biomarkers are discovered. I will report preliminary data with clinical samples from 100-patient cohorts. These technologies were also used for nanocarrier biomarker discovery, in conjunction with NanoString, NGS and proteomic/lipidomic mass spectrometry. The large-volume data offered by massively parallelized versions of our technologies are ideal for regression studies with Machine Learning. Some of these technologies are being commercialized by Aopia Biosciences, a company I co-founded.
15 May 2025
Networking Reception with Beer & Wine
15 May 2025
Close of Day 1 of the Conference
16 May 2025
Coconut Grove
Morning Coffee and Networking in the Exhibit Hall
16 May 2025
Noah Malmstadt, Professor, Mork Family Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science, University of Southern California, USA -- Conference Co-Chairperson
LNPs -- A Deep Dive
16 May 2025
Owen Fenton, Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States of America
Investigating the Role of Hypoxia on Lipid Nanoparticle Mediated mRNA Delivery
Hypoxia is a common hallmark of human disease that is characterized by abnormally low oxygen levels in the body. While the effects of hypoxia on many small molecule-based drugs are known, its effects on several classes of next-generation medications including messenger RNA therapies warrant further study. Here, we provide an efficacy and mechanism driven study that details how hypoxia impacts the cellular response to messenger RNA Lipid Nanoparticle therapies. In brief, our work provides a comparative analysis as to how various states of oxygenation impact lipid nanoparticle-delivered mRNA expression, cellular association, endosomal escape, and intracellular ATP concentrations following treatment with 4 different lipid nanoparticle chemistries, 3 different cell lines, 4 different oxygenation ratios, and 6 different reoxygenation conditions. In brief, our results demonstrate that hypoxia decreases the efficacy of mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles by upwards of 80%. Further, our results also suggest that these efficacy decreases correlate with decreased intracellular ATP levels in hypoxic cells. Taken collectively, our results suggest that cellular and tissue oxygen levels may be an important factor to consider when developing messenger RNA Lipid Nanoparticle based therapies.
16 May 2025
Briana L. Simms, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, United States of America
Design, Synthesis, and Characterization of Structurally Tunable Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) for Transdermal Delivery
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) have emerged in the literature as a viable vehicle for therapeutic delivery, gaining significant popularity over the last 30 years. LNPs are composed of a mixture of biocompatible lipids, which results in variance in nanoparticle properties such as size, surface charge density, or rigidity. This heterogeneity within the formulation can decrease targeting efficiency in drug delivery applications. To address these challenges, we have developed a library of structurally tunable lipid nanoparticles (stLNPs) formed by the self-assembly of a single synthetic lipid with modifiable features. This results in uniform physical (i.e. size and morphology) and mechanical (i.e. rigidity, flexibility, and bilayer morphology) properties across the nanoparticle formulation and allows for the specific selection of LNP properties ideal for the application. With a long-term goal of advancing these materials towards clinical application for targeted transdermal delivery, we have designed and characterized synthetic lipids comprised of a poly amidoamine (PAMAM) dendron chemically linked to an acyl tail group. We have incorporated tunable features that afford nanoparticles with a range of properties. To assess the feasibility of these materials in transdermal delivery, we have treated human skin with the stLNPs and evaluated their impact on skin physiology and penetration depth. The work described herein will provide a framework for the strategic design and synthesis of LNPs for targeted drug delivery. This work will also allow us to better understand how small structural changes to materials can influence the final fate of LNPs in vivo.
16 May 2025
Coconut Grove
Mid-Morning Coffee Break and Networking in the Exhibit Hall
16 May 2025
Bowen Li, Assistant Professor, Canada Research Chair in RNA Vaccines and Therapeutics, University of Toronto, Canada
AI-Guided Development of Lipid Nanoparticles for mRNA Delivery
The ability to transfect selective cell types within the targeted tissue in vivo is critical for potential therapeutic applications of mRNA. Although great advances have been made in mRNA vaccines, the ideal chemical and formulation composition of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) for extra-hepatic delivery of nucleic acids are largely unknown. The traditional development of new lipids and formulations has been challenging, given the complexity of biological systems. In this talk, I will introduce an AI-guided high-throughput platform where thousands of chemically diverse libraries of lipid-like materials can be rapidly synthesized using multicomponent reactions and formulated into LNPs, which can then be screened for tissue- or cell-specific gene delivery. This platform technology increases the diversity of synthetic material structures and facilitates the identification of structure-function relationships.
16 May 2025
Brian Feng, CEO, Osem Fluidics, United States of America
Advancement of Mixing Methods for Assembly of Nucleic Acid-Lipid Nanoparticles
The mixing of nucleic acid and lipid nanoparticles has evolved from simple manual pipette mixing to microfluidics, offering increased control over mixing rate, time, and flow conditions for the assembly of lipid nanoparticles. Although microfluidics is the gold standard for assembling LNPs, there are improvements to current methods that can increase the adoption of microfluidics. In this talk, we will introduce a novel microfluidics format for producing desirable lipid nanoparticles that makes it accessible to all researchers worldwide.
16 May 2025
Andreas Möller, Professor, Director, JC STEM Lab of Personalized Cancer Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Title to be Confirmed
16 May 2025
Networking Lunch
16 May 2025
Chukwumaobim Nwokwu, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Florida Gulf Coast University, United States of America
Liposomes as a Successful, Safe and Sustainable Drug Delivery Platform for Kaempferol in the Treatment of Glioblastoma
Conventional chemotherapeutics present problems from poor pharmacokinetic profile to toxicity to healthy tissues, which have hampered their clinical application. Nano-pharmaceutical formulations using lipid-based and polymeric materials have shown great promise in circumventing these drawbacks, because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, targeted delivery potential, and versatile drug-loading capacity. The putative anticancer compound, kaempferol was encapsulated in liposomes (Lip-K), and its cytotoxic and apoptotic effects against human glioblastoma cells (LN-229) and healthy human astrocytes were investigated. Cytomorphological and biochemical evaluations confirmed apoptotic indices, which continued unabated even in the presence of free radical scavengers. Overall, the results suggest that liposome-encapsulated kaempferol offers an effective and relatively safe cancer treatment option, with the promise of overcoming antioxidant-induced drug resistance. Unlike most cancer therapeutics, the ability of liposomes to cross the blood-brain barrier sheds light on the potential use of liposomal kaempferol to treat glioblastoma.
16 May 2025
My Mahoney, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Cancer Biology, Thomas Jefferson University, United States of America
Therapeutic potential of EVs in IVIG
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play a critical factor in intercellular communication and immune regulation. Intravenous (IVIg) immunoglobulin (Ig) replacement therapy boosts the immune system in patients with antibody deficiencies or suppresses inflammation in autoimmune, infectious, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Here, we suggest a novel mechanism of immunomodulation through IVIg EV-associated cytokines. EVs were isolated from IVIg and unprocessed human plasma (UHP) from healthy donors. Bead-based multiplex analysis of known EV surface proteins by flow cytometry showed that IVIg EVs displayed significantly reduced platelet markers and enriched stemness markers compared to UHP. Luminex multiplex cytokine immune profiling revealed that the levels of 22 pro-inflammatory cytokines were dramatically reduced in IVIg EVs compared to UHP EVs. Interestingly, high levels of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IFN-γ were detected in IVIg EV-rich fractions. Here, we demonstrate that IFN-γ binds to EVs, most likely through circulating anti-IFN-γ antibodies, blocking IFN-γ-induced JAK/STAT1 activation. In summary, IVIg EVs can function as decoys to suppress inflammatory signaling pathways.
16 May 2025
Natalia Tumidajski, Principal Scientist & GMP Site Head, ExoCel Bio, Pennsylvania Biotechnology Center, United States of America
Space Microgravity and Hypoxia Conditions as a Novel Approach to Enhance Regenerative Potency of MSC-derived Exosomes in Specialized 3D Cell Culture System
Research in microgravity is emerging as a new approach in studying biological systems and designing better treatment options. Recent studies in space have shown that microgravity transforms the behavior of stem cells and has unparallel effects on their growth, proliferation, and secretion of bioactive molecules such as extracellular vesicles. Regardless of continuous advancements in stem cell-based therapies, there are still significant challenges to ensure reproducibility, stability, and maximized potency for biomedical applications. Universal 2D cell culture system fails to mimic a natural environment for stem cells limiting their full capabilities including reduced stemness and deficient cell to cell interactions. Our approach was to create a natural niche for mesenchymal stem cells where they can cultivate their full biological potential and release the most potent exosomes- significant meditators in cell-to-cell communication via enriched cargo of proteins, lipids, and mRNAs. In this study, using placental MSCs we generated 3D cell models- spheroids with 5th dimensional technology and hydrogel-based organoids. They were then cultured in bioreactors in specialized 3D systems using microgravity, hypoxia, and rotational speed as the main conditions to mimic unique space environment. Upon isolation of exosomes from conditioned media the comprehensive characterization was conducted to validate their enhanced biological activity and regenerative potential. This completely novel and innovative study could ignite a cutting-edge revolution for regenerative applications such as wound healing, tissue engineering, and organ regeneration.
16 May 2025
Speaker Details to be Confirmed
16 May 2025
Coconut Grove
Mid-Afternoon Coffee Break and Networking with the Exhibitors
16 May 2025
Speaker Details to be Confirmed
16 May 2025
Speaker Details to be Confirmed
16 May 2025
Bringing EVs and Space Summit Together
Chaired by Dr. Kristin Kopperud and Dr. Mike Roberts -- International Space Station (ISS) - National Laboratory
**Presentations and Panel Discussion in this Session Unify EV and Space (LEO Microgravity) Research**
* 不測の事態により、事前の予告なしにプログラムが変更される場合があります。>
SelectBIO is delighted to host The Space Summit 2025 and the EV-LNP 2025 Conference at the:
Embassy Suites by Hilton Miami International Airport
3974 NW South River Drive
Miami, FLORIDA 33142
SelectBIO has negotiated discounted hotel rates for stay at this venue at the pricing of US$149 per night (2 Room Suite - 1 King Bed).
The cut-off date for this discounted pricing is April 12, 2025 -- so please make your hotel booking prior to this date to lock-in the discounted pricing.
Check-in 4pm
Check out 11am
Complimentary Miami Airport Shuttle
Complimentary Full Cooked Breakfast
Complimentary Evening Reception with Wine and Beer
Complimentary Wi-Fi
Overnight Self-Parking US$10 per night
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