2025年 会議前ワークショップ
products. Join the journey.

1:00 - 1:45 pm WORKSHOP 2: Join and Explore ClinEco, SCOPE's B2B Clinical Trial Community and Marketplace
Join this hands-on session with ClinEco, SCOPE’s B2B clinical trial community and marketplace featuring 850+ companies. ClinEco unites sponsors, CROs, service providers, and sites to streamline partnering, vendor research, innovation, and learning. At SCOPE 2024 we introduced the ClinEco Commons, a collaborative space where you can access, visit, and share valuable content as well as contribute to the wealth of knowledge within the SCOPE and ClinEco Community. This year we launch our 'Ask a ClinEco Luminary' program where members can connect directly, and discreetly, with industry leaders and receive insights on a wide range of clinical trial topics. Join now at: clineco.io/register. Open to all SCOPE attendees.
1:00 - 2:30 pm WORKSHOP 3: The Path towards Sustainable Clinical Trials: Reducing the Environmental Impact of Global Clinical Trials
Michael J. Cohen, Senior Director, Lead, Environmental Sustainability, PPD/Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thierry Escudier, Portfolio Lead, Pistoia Alliance
Hannah Sieber, Co-Founder, CEO, Artyc
Diana Steinbuesch, BioX Operations Portfolio Lead (Oncology), Roche
While developing leading and innovative therapies, we must not lose sight of the environmental impacts and greenhouse gas emissions. We can reduce the environmental impact of our studies by prioritizing remote visits and monitoring, by reducing kit wastage, and working together to find ‘greener’ solutions. This workshop will provide a brief overview of research and introductory strategies for reducing emissions as well as a 'Sustainability 101' to help anyone in our industry get started towards developing more environmentally responsible clinical trials. Open to all SCOPE attendees. Sustainable Healthcare Coalition is a Partnering Organization at SCOPE.
1:00 - 2:30 pm WORKSHOP 4: Efficient Importation of Biological Materials into the U.S.
Jessica Hammes, Branch Chief, Biological Threat Exclusion, Agriculture Safeguarding and Risk Management, Agriculture Programs and Trade Liaison, Office of Field Operations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Jennifer Merriman, Senior Manager, Strategic Biospecimen & Vendor Logistics, Consent, Biospecimens, & Imaging, Global Development Operations, Bristol Myers Squibb Co.
(Additional speakers to be announced.)
U.S. Customs and Border Protection and partner government agencies regulate the importation of biological materials into the United States. The efficient importation of these items can be challenging, as Clinical Trial landscape is ever-evolving. The purpose of this workshop is to discuss current challenges, best practices, and possible solutions to navigate this landscape.
2:00 - 3:30 pm WORKSHOP 5: Sponsor and Site Perspectives: Addressing Current Challenges and Exploring Future Opportunities in Clinical Trial Financing
Dawn Anderson, Partner, Consulting, Deloitte LLP
Ming Shen, Managing Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP
This workshop will explore sponsor and site perspectives on current challenges and future opportunities in clinical trial financing. It will address complexities in
managing trial finance including estimation, budgeting, forecasting, invoicing, payments, reconciliation, and others in clinical trial management. The workshop aims to identify innovative solutions to enhance finance management in clinical trials, fostering more accurate projections. Through discussions and interactive sessions, it seeks to provide insights for future opportunities to improve clinical trial finance.
* 不測の事態により、事前の予告なしにプログラムが変更される場合があります。
2025年 プログラム
Sunday Golf, Kick-Off Keynote & Participant Engagement Award
◆SCOPE’s Kickoff Reception
Patient Voice in Trial Design and Protocol Development
Developing and Executing Effective Diversity Plans
Enrollment Planning and Patient Recruitment
Patient Engagement and Retention through Communities and Technology
Clinical Trial Forecasting, Budgeting and Contracting
Resource Management and Capacity Planning for Clinical Trials
Mastering an Outsourcing Strategy
Relationship and Alliance Management in Outsourced Clinical Trials
Modernizing Lab, Biomarker & Data Management Operations
Biomarker & Biospecimen Technology & Innovation
Data Technology for End-to-End Clinical Supply Management
Clinical Supply Chain Strategies to Align Process, Products and Patients
Clinical Trial Venture, Innovation & Partnering *
臨床試験のベンチャー・イノベーション・提携 *
*Separate Registration Required